Compared with other drives in this category, the Gotega Macbook Pro Mid 2012 Dvd Drive has a convenient design. I need to create a live USB with a Linux os on it. coder543 - Wednesday, Jlink For $2200, you should get the Retina Pro which is better than any Zenbook Prime by a good margin, and I would say better than any laptop on the market.5Ghz intel core i5, 1 TB storage, 8 GB memory My Grub was starting linux by default so instead of configuring it i just rerunned the rEFInd installer so it sets it as default again. I was pretty excited to test it out as it’s.

El capitan mac os x ssd setting install#
I'm hoping I can just install Ubuntu and not muck around with MacOS. Hey all, I have a mid 2012 MacBook Pro on my hands that isn’t supported in security anymore (Up to Catalina).